Habit’s natural habitat

The best place to work on a skill is the place where it’ll be used. We’ll help your child establish healthy routines for eating, sleeping, personal hygiene and more—all in their natural environment.

Home is where your family is

Our whole-family approach to therapy puts you at the center of your child’s care. Your ABA team will involve parents and caregivers in sessions, helping you understand and support your child’s progress.

All the conveniences of home

There’s no need to leave home to get the best therapy for your child. Forget the car trip and cancel the babysitter—our therapists come to you, making therapy happen on your schedule.

What does home based therapy look like?

Mostly, it looks like fun! After an in-home assessment, your child will work one-on-one with a trained ABA paraprofaessional, under the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Together, they’ll engage in play-based activities, using positive reinforcement to master essential social and life skills.

Is my child’s therapy “stuck” at home?

For many children on the spectrum, home-based therapy is the best choice. But what about the benefits of services in a more structured out-of-home environment, with peers?

You’re welcome to take advantage of social skills groups at the Comprehensive center, even if your child gets the rest of their therapy at home. Your BCBA will help you decide on the whens and wheres of your child’s ideal therapy plan.

Will my child learn how to behave in the “real world”?

Your child will explore your community with their ABA provider at their side, learning life skills through guided, age-appropriate outings.

There’s so much to discover: how to shop from a list and collect change. How to travel by bus. How to act in a library, a playground and a public restroom. Your therapist can also accompany your child to birthday parties, family trips and other outings, turning errands and events into educational “field trips.”

A child’s home is their castle.
Let’s bring the magic to them.

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